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Už je to tady! Vexl otvára marketplace
Takmer presne pred rokom sme ukončili produktový výskum toho, čo komunita ľudí so záujmom o bitcoin očakáva od riešenia, ktoré by im umožnilo obchodov
September 11, 2024
So what is Vexl anyway?
It's an app where you can easily buy and sell Bitcoin so you can replace all those centralized KYC exchanges cluttering your phone. It's a marketplace
September 11, 2024
Understanding Vexl: Security, Privacy, and Building a Web of Trust
In the wake of never ending discussion, I thought it was high time we talked about why Vexl prefers phone numbers to usernames (or any other
Prestávame podporovať prvú verziu Vexlu
Je to už takmer rok od verejného predstavenia Vexlu na ChainCampe v Ostrave. Od septembra 2022 Vexl vyrástol na tisíce užívateľov i tisíce ponúk.
SatoshiLabs Announced the Launch of the Vexl Foundation
8th June, Prague — SatoshiLabs, the pioneering innovator behind the world’s first hardware wallet, Trezor, today introduced the Vexl Foundation at
How to do peer-to-peer trading on Vexl?
Vexl is primarily a social network. Unlike other popular platforms, this one is peer-to-peer and doesn’t stick its nose where it doesn’t belong:
Apple: Using cash is “clearly reckless”
At the Vexl Foundation, we sponsor projects that promote and enable personal and financial freedoms and self-determination. Bitcoin is the ultimate
Ako na peer-to-peer trade vo Vexli?
Vexl je predovšetkým sociálna sieť. Narozdiel od ostatných populárnych platforiem, táto je ale peer-to-peer a nepchá nos tam, kde nemá čo hľadať: